Since the Board opened the “gate fund” in July 2014, Treasurer Kelly has diligently been working on clearing up and collecting on all past due liens while Secretary Maureen has been busy creating and selling display ads and business directory listings on our website. Maureen also created the awesome Lakewood logo and we had t-shirts made so we could create revenue through t-shirt sales, we held raffles at our Summer picnic and had 50/50 raffles along the way as well as staying within our yearly budget that allowed us excess money at the end of each fiscal year! These were all ways that allowed us to raise the money to install an electric gate at our lakefront. Through these endeavors $30,000 was raised!!! I’m sure most of you have several questions pertaining to this new electric gate and I’m sure that most (if not all) questions can easily and quickly be answered by going under the ‘member information’ tab right here on our website…..then scroll down to ‘Gate FAQs’ and it will tell you everything you need to know moving into the future! You will want to be sure to read all of these FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) so you are educated on this new system. While the gate was installed in October and the circular drive to create an entrance (the south driveway) and an exit (the new north driveway) prior to that, the final step is for the electric to be hooked up. The electrician is scheduled to install the electric as soon as the “frost line” allows (possibly this week). Once that happens the key cards will be put into the system and the process of handing out the cards will begin. President Eric Koppa and Vice President Steve Hensen will be handing out cards from 1:30-3:00 pm on Saturday May 4 at our lakefront pavilion…..we will NOT be handing them out at the annual meeting that morning. Please stop down at the pavilion during those hours to pick up your card. We are hoping to have all cards handed out by the beginning of May. Until you receive your card, please continue to hang your 2018 hang tag from your rearview mirror each time you visit the lakefront. Once the electric is hooked up you will need your key card with you to access the lakefront, so it is pertinent that you have it to be able to gain access.  Please take a second to read through these informative FAQ’s so you will be up to speed once the gate is up and running.

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