The Lakewood POA Annual Meeting will be held at the Lakefront Pavilion on Saturday, 5/1/21 at 10:00 AM. Please bring a lawn chair and dress appropriately as the first Saturday in May could be cool this year. In observance of safety to our homeowners as a result of the ongoing Covid pandemic, please maintain a safe distance and we encourage all of you to review the 2020 Annual Meeting minutes and 2021 Lakewood POA Budget Proposal links below prior to our meeting. The board will have a limited amount of handouts for our property owners who do not have access to a computer and would prefer a printed handout. We encourage all of you who use a smartphone or tablet to download the 2020 Annual Meeting minutes and 2021 Budget on your phone or tablet ahead of our meeting. Links to the PDFs are provided below.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, May 1, 2021 and your participation during our annual meeting is encouraged and necessary to successfully carry on the business of our Association. Attendance of 10% of our property owners through in-person attendance and via proxy is required to achieve a quorum and to conduct a legal meeting. We will have two vacancies on the board this year and are fortunate to have two candidates running for the board.
Thank you for your support these past seven years. It has been an honor to represent all of you as President and I look forward to seeing you around the neighborhood. Please continue to email us at with any questions, comments, or concerns. Together we have established a safe, inclusive, and special community in Central Wisconsin and I wish for our continued success as a well-functioning Property Owners Association for generations to come.
Eric Koppa
President (2014-2021)
Lakewood POA