Lakewood POA Annual Meeting Minutes 2016

Annual Lakewood Meeting
May 7, 2016 10 am
Northern Bay Resort

Eric Koppa called the meeting to order at 10:12 am.

Reading of the Agenda:

Determination of Quorum
Introductions and Opening Statements
Approval of Minutes from 2015 Meeting
2015 Review
Old Business
New Business

Quorum . At least 10% of membership or 38 lots must be represented for legal meeting. Secretary

Maureen Bain confirmed that there were 50 lots represented in person or by proxy so the quorum was established.

Eric’s introduction of the Board of Directors and opening remarks:

Present: President Norm Hampson, Vice President Judy Hampson, Secretary Maureen Bain, Treasurer Kelly Bain, Director Eric Koppa. Eric mentioned that the Board would like to encourage homeowners to get active. The Board is running thin right now. Also that we appreciate our relationship with Northern Bay and we thank them for making great arrangements for our meeting. Eric mentioned that we have multiple generations in Lakewood and he would like to encourage families who live close enough to be active in the Association and/or on the board. Approach Board after meeting if you have interest. Lakewood Association is transitioning into the 21st century and we are communicating electronically.

Eric turned the floor over to Secretary for reading of last year’s minutes. Maureen asked everyone to take 5 minutes to read through last year’s minutes. Eric called for a vote to approve the minutes from the 2015 meeting. Seconded by Kelly. All approved.

Secretary’s report: Accomplishments

Website. Hoping to get information out to people more quickly and get more people involved. Creating the website: Features are useful. We’ve have good response to PayPal and several members utilized it to pay their dues. The blog on our website is updated regularly. The home page lists events in the area. The

Service Directory is a work in progress. Started out slow. We have designed a sales flyer to send out to potential advertisers. If anyone knows any business that would like to advertise, let us know and we will contact them or send them a flyer electronically or by mail. Homeowners look to Facebook regularly for referrals for contractors in the area. We would like to make our website the ultimate resource for local businesses. The annual fee is $75 for advertisers to have listing, which links directly to their website.

Homeowner Contact list. Kelly and Maureen have spent many hours updating contacts info and collecting emails and phone numbers. Email notices on important news and information. Ongoing effort as homeowners come and go. We cross-referenced with Adams County Land Records to build a very reliable and accurate homeowner list. Updated plat map with street addresses and lot numbers.

Standards for Record-Keeping . More accurate and transparent records for Financial and Minutes.

Format. Minutes are now on website.

Old Business:

Maureen Introduced Treasurer Kelly Bain to talk about dilapidated Towner property and Road Conditions.

Kelly has made several calls and sent several emails to Adams County, Strongs Prairie. Cypress Ave is horrendous. Kelly encouraged everyone to call. Road people are not easy to get in touch with. Town of

Strongs Prairie takes care of our roads. They have answering machine. A live person is only physically in the office on Monday and Wednesday from 1-3.

Towner property: 1954 S. Cypress. Kelly has talked to 3 different individuals at the County. Court Tax deed foreclosure on property and it will go to court on July 18. Towner has surrendered the property.

That is a good sign. In the past, she has paid the latest tax bill as a tactic to stop foreclosure. This is still a possibility even if it is not expected. If she doesn’t show up for court on July 18, they will start proceedings on July 19. Proceedings are slow. It will go to several committees. First committee will discuss and decide where they are in the process of having it condemned. Then it goes to another committee to discuss what to do with property, which will clean up the property, will Adams County clean up or sell and have new owner clean it up. Process will take 3 months so we might hear something by the end of October 2016.

Properties like this take time even after they are sold to get cleaned up but hopefully we are heading in the right direction now.

Gate Fund. The gate fund is growing slowly but surely. We have made deposits from advertising, picnic, raffles and liens into the account.

Treasurer’s Report:

Income: Annual dues $21,396.46, advertising $600, picnic $182 for extra guests and raffles. Ending balance for savings $14396.32, $2367.87 checking, $782 advertising and picnic went into gate fund which is now up to $7117.00. We have found and continue to look for creative ways to keep building the gate fund. Eric mentioned that Board, notably Kelly and Maureen, has spent many hours trying to make the budget easy to understand even for people who don’t have accounting experience and also very transparent. Jim Walsh asked why lawn care services were going up almost double in 2016. Kelly explained that Lawns R Us only mowed once a month last year. We increased that to twice a month this year because it looked shabby last year. Plus we added two additional special mowings before July 4 and Labor Day. Beach cleanup is less this year. We went down to twice a week from 3 times a week. Seems like seaweed hasn’t been as bad as the really bad year a few years ago so we felt like we could cut back to twice a week cleanup starting the last week in June. Janice Fountain asked why there was mileage in 2015 but none budgeted in 2016. Is it realistic? We are trying to cut down on trips to town. Eric explained that we hope as we go more electronic and with mail forwarding, we will have fewer trips to town. Electronic liens, etc. We will see how it goes in 2016 and assess for next year. It will be minimal in any case. Lakefront property taxes are on individual homeowner property taxes. Tax bills went down last year.

Norm explained that there are 382 total lots that divide the tax bill for the lakefront. Jackie Barnette lot

142 asked what the plan is for the surplus $4300. Kelly said $1400 goes to gate fund. The rest will be

used for operating and we will determine where to put whatever is left. Eric moved to pass 2016 budget.

Judy Hampson 2nd. Homeowners Approved.


Secretary Maureen identified the 4 areas of communication to discuss. Picnic, Gate, Beautification and

Involvement. She turned it over to Kelly to talk about the picnic.

Picnic. The 2015 Picnic was successful with 105 attendees. 10 no-shows. We collected $105 in guest fees. The 50/50 raffle brought in $154 with $77 going to winner Taco Joe Bernal and $77 to Lakewood.

We added that amount to gate fund. Everyone had fun with water balloon toss and other games. Thanks to everyone who brought food and serving utensils. Kelly asked that if you reserve for the picnic, please show up. There is lots of camaraderie and food. We dedicate our time and make the commitment to you to be there and we expect RSVPs to come for at least an hour or two. This year, the picnic is July 2 at noon. Please see the key on the website as to what dish we’d like you to bring to pass and also remember to bring serving utensil if it requires one.

Gate. Norm gave the report of his research on the electronic gate for the lakefront. He got quotes that ranged from $16,000-20,000 that includes everything that it needs. These are industrial gates. Electrical line would have to be run 380 feet from shed, ACEC recommends running it from shed instead of adding a meter, which would be more expensive. Contractors recommended asphalt pad instead of concrete.

Asphalt over and under. Permits are required. $150 total. Fire and Police Dept. issues. State Farm has no liability issues. We will be covered. Add cameras and shed possibly as deterrent to vandalism. Cost includes Key card to get in. Towing: Harper Salvage will handle our towing again this year. We had one car towed last year. Please display your beach passes on your mirror when you’re at the lakefront or you will risk being towed.

Eric turned the floor over to Maureen to outline what the Board has planned for 2016.

Involvement. Maureen reiterated that we are looking for new involvement on board. Also let’s have some fun. We have budgeted for contests like a photo contest. We have a new Lakewood logo in the works.

Maureen is working with designer friend to create that. Then we will have t-shirts to sell. We are looking for more participation and fun from homeowners. T-shirts will be available for sale on the website.

Beautification. Campaign coming up in the new year to clean up Lakewood. Maureen mentioned that there are more and more properties that are erecting white plastic temporary structures and that this is a violation of our Lakewood Covenants and Restrictions and Bylaws. We would like to address these violations before it gets completely out of control. Therefore we will be identifying properties and sending out notices to be compliant. The Board is dedicated to keep our neighborhood beautiful so people continue to want to live there and to keep our property values up. Maureen turned the floor back over to Eric.

Eric also touched on Beautification and suggested that homeowners let us know if you notice your neighbor or others with property that needs attention. Especially neighbors who have not been at their

Lakewood homes in a long time. He noted that the winters are tough on temporary structures and we would like to identify properties that have these up. Send photos and comments to We will be notifying homeowners in blatant violation. We want to protect all of our investments.

Eric asked how many people liked our Facebook page and encouraged those who weren’t to get on if they had Facebook. Gerald Albers made a statement that the Board talks a lot about websites and Facebook. He wanted to know why he gets less communication. He wanted to know why email and websites have eliminated his communication. Eric said we are moving in an electronic direction.

Questions from Homeowners:

Eric opened the floor for questions from the homeowners. Gerald Albers Lot 185 wanted to know why communications aren’t coming in the mail. Maureen Bain said we had spent a lot of money sending out newsletters. Electronic is more efficient. We still send out necessary documents via the mail like invoices and proxies/resumes. Maureen suggested a relative might be able to print content from the website out for Albers. Kelly suggested that the library has computers to use. Gerald said he doesn’t have a computer or even know how to run one. Maureen repeated that the information that is critical and required is still mailed to homeowners. Kelly mentioned that we are more informed than ever before. Gerald said that he wasn’t. Norm mentioned that printing and mailing didn’t make it cost-effective means of communicating and that many homeowners didn’t read it. There was a suggestion from Janice Fountain that people who want mailed newsletter would put their name on a list. Scott Geiger suggested that news and announcements that need to be communicated be posted at the communication board at the lakefront.

Kelly said that was a great idea. Maureen committed to post the blog from the website and important announcements on the communication board so all Lakewood homeowners have access to the information.

Jim Walsh asked about projection on costs of annual maintenance of the gate. Norm answered that all 3 gates that he got estimates to install are industrial machines so the contractors do not foresee any maintenance or regular annual costs. Jim said we should get maintenance agreement with $0 balance.

Norm reiterated that contractors don’t foresee problems. Al Field asked what about the expenses of vandalism. Norm suggested we should investigate putting up a shed with inside cameras.

Jim Walsh asked about Towner and Beautification, specifically what actions would Board take on non-compliant homeowners. Maureen said we have an obligation as a Board to try to get people to keep nice property. Letter is the first step. Further steps (legal action) would cost us money. So we will have to decide what we want to do. Val Exner says there is nothing in the bylaws that dictates anything but number of buildings. Maureen said there is a clause that properties must be kept in good and clean condition. Eric said we need to write specific things into the bylaws.

Jim Walsh said he sent in his resume to be on the Board but we didn’t receive it. Jim wanted a job description before committing. Maureen stated that the job description is evolving since change is happening. Jim doesn’t like the gate idea but will go with majority.

Bob Semrich Lot 377-379 suggested that there should be fines for property violations. This would also generate money for the Association. Maybe we should update vague bylaws. Al Field noted that all cul-de-sacs in Lakewood have dead trees. This is a fire hazard. Who is responsible for the middle area?

Eric said we will look into that to see if it is Strongs Prairie’s responsibility.

Janice Fountain asked if the gate is worth the cost. What will vandalism cost and maintenance? Norm mentioned that people think that is a public area. Realtors are telling potential buyers that our lakefront is public. What if someone sues us and then gets hurt at our beach but doesn’t even belong. Mike Fountain questioned gate cost and effectiveness. We should think about it. Maureen stated that with only $7000 in the fund, we will have some time to think about it. Bob Quigley mentioned that the gate will enhance all of our property values.

Terry Anderson 1936 Cypress Dr. asked what we can do about fireworks and gunshots. Kelly said call the police. Eric mentioned to let the Board know. However the Board has no authority to stop offenders. We can only call the police. Community action might be needed. You cannot shoot a gun in our subdivision but it is legal in the area all around us. Email

A question was asked about how ATV routes are determined because her son who was a young driver had almost hit an ATV that was going too fast. Maureen said there will always be one or two offenders.

Dale Oberbeck stated that ATV rules have been changed. It’s no longer 10 mph past houses, only where marked. ATVs cannot do the speed limit. Golf carts are not allowed on hard surfaces. The sheriff will ticket golf carts and the fine is $260. Kelly stated that people think that golf carts are legal on the street since the introduction of UTVs. They think because UTVs are legal on the street that golf carts are too.

Kelly stopped an ATV rider by her house that was going too fast. Homeowners have to take personal responsibility and do what you can to stop offenders when we can.

Judy Sachs said that her relatives have enjoyed the lakefront and she appreciates it.

Mike Fountain. Beach passes cost $15 to replace if a homeowner loses. Maureen responded that the fee is to discourage abuse and people having multiple passes and handing them out to others. Carol Field asked about the possibility of getting stickers. This would be cost prohibitive for cars. Jackie said stickers would be great for boats. The board will investigate cost of stickers for boats. Kelly said beach passes are more economical for cars and can go from vehicle to vehicle.

Winner of 50/50 Raffle. Scot Geiger won $60. The Association will deposit the other $60 in the gate fund.

Nomination. Eric called for a nomination of Steve Hensen to the Board. Janice nominated Steve Hensen and it was approved.

Eric thanked all present and past board members.

Norm Hampson’s closing remarks. Norm thanked Val Exner who resigned in December 2015 and Judy Hampson for their service. Norm then stated that he and Judy were resigning from the Board.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:44 .

Respectively submitted,

Maureen Bain, Secretary

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