Hello, Lakewood homeowners and visitors! After much anticipation, we’re proud to finally roll out your comprehensive website. Here you will find everything you need to know about our Lakewood neighborhood and association, including information about upcoming events, copies of our bylaws and other documents and annual meeting minutes. You’ll even be able to pay your dues online with our new PayPal option! You’ll find area and lake information like links to fishing reports, trail conditions, and burning restrictions in the Resource section. If you’re looking for a contractor or service provider, the Directory section will provide vendors in our area that want to do business with you.
The website will be updated regularly with announcements and pertinent information about Lakewood. Be sure to visit often because we will have contests and other surprises for you. With the new website, comes a new and hopefully easier to remember email address, talktous@lakewoodpoa.org. This goes directly to the Board of Directors and will replace lakewordpoa@hotmail.com. We hope you like your new website as much as we do!