After a really, really long Winter/Spring/Sprinter we could not have asked for better weather to start our Summer season and celebrate Memorial Day weekend. While there were storms forecasted for Friday night, they seemed to bypass us and we just got hit with a brief rain shower around early evening. Then Saturday, Sunday and Monday reached record temps climbing to 100 degrees! Aside from some brief a.m. rain and clouds on Monday, the rest of the weekend was no wind and clouds which made for perfect boating! It was pretty clear that everyone was really excited to be on the water, beaches and sandbars. The view of our Lakewood beach from the boat was fantastic with homeowners claiming their piece of sand for the day. Also fantastic was how colorful it looked from that vantage point….our bright, new noodles for the swim area, a colorful array of umbrellas and the brilliant red mulch that our landscaping crew hurried to get spread prior to Memorial Day weekend. We were very happy that everyone seemed to be vigilant with having their 2018 beach passes…..we’d just like to remind everyone that they should be visibly hanging from the rearview mirror though (not on the dashboard, please!) Also, we love our pets and yours as well, but please keep them at home as they do not not belong at our lakefront. Have a great Summer everyone and we hope you plan to attend our 4th of July Picnic being held on Saturday June 30th!

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