After a long 2016-17 Winter that was cold and lacked any kind of snow for snowmobiling followed by record setting Spring rainfall, it seemed like Summer would never arrive! Eventually it did (but wasn’t it like the 4th of July by then?!) and boy, did the Summer fly by! I can’t neglect commending everyone on abiding by our lakefront rule of displaying your blue 2017 beach passes. This year resulted in very few reminders….and yeah! NO one got towed this year! I guess all of my repetitive reminders is working ;). Keep up the good work….just cuz Summer is over doesn’t mean you don’t have continue to display it… MUST be displayed each and everytime you are down at the lakefront 365 days a year. Homeowners took great pride in the improvements at their lakefront this year. The pavilion was host to several outings and celebrations and groups of our homeowners packed the beach each weekend, some even setting up camp for the day on their little piece of sand. Along with a fresh new look that our pavilion and lakefront received in the way of a trendy color scheme and Director Betty’s beautiful flowers, we also seeded our hillside along the south side of boat ramp and had some manicuring to improve the bushes and flowering plants along the north side of the ramp. Recently we had the foliage line on the east side of the volleyball court straightened out and taken back slightly and also had the boundary lines of the volleyball court squared off. Poison ivy along that area was routinely addressed as well. We also had more sand placed in the pits under the swingset. Bruce and his crew at Northern Bay did a fantastic job with the mowing, trimming and beach clean up along with some other landscaping details they carried out. On Labor Day, VP Steve and his posse of neighborhood volunteers, removed the swim area and stored it away for the Winter. At some point after the weekend of the 16th of September, we will continue our Fall shutdown process and at this point the porto-potty will be removed and the water turned off for the season. Please continue to enjoy our lakefront for everything else it has to offer. The pier will remain in for probably another month or so and the gate won’t get locked until the Sunday morning after Thanksgiving. For those of you who customarily make Labor Day weekend the end until Memorial Day….just remember we are in a great 4-seasons area. Let the Fall Festival Season begin!