What a Summer!!! It came and went way too fast though! Our Spring started out cold and rainy, then came the extreme heat followed by several days of rain that began before Labor Day weekend and was pretty constant for the entire week and brought us a foot of rain. As we all know, that also resulted in some major flooding and road closures around the area. Another thing we all know is that because of the extreme heat throughout the months of June and July, our little corner of the lake (as well as much of the rest of the lake AND river!) saw some of THE WORST blue-green algae we have ever experienced! Sadly, (and, of course, not preventable) we all were unable to enjoy our beach for those couple of weeks that it invaded our bay and shoreline area. Once it moved out of our area, Northern Bay did a great job with cleaning up the beach and getting it back to business as usual. The perennials that Betty planted in Spring added some nice color to our lakefront entrance and all of the rain we have gotten in the last few months has really helped our low maintenance grass that we planted on the hillside last year take off. Our landscapers laid some new mulch at the entrance and on both side of the boat ramp…..it really brightened things up…..especially from the vantage point of passing by from the lake. We added a bit more grass seed to the hill but guess what? Torrential rains washed it all down onto the mulch so we now have grass rampantly growing there! We ended the Summer season with (almost) an entire weekend of precipitation. What better thing to do on a rainy day than head to Fawn Creek Winery with a group of friends for music and wine tasting right?! Yup! That is what a lot of people thought too! The place was PACKED! Super fun way to spend a couple hours when the weather isn’t conducive to boating or ATVing! Now that Summer is “officially” over for many, the ‘hood was pretty quite this past weekend except for lots of chainsawing and yard cleanup. That pretty much is our Summer in a nutshell. Check back next weekend when my blog will give you an update on what will happen in the next couple of weeks!