The Lakewood Board of Directors meeting was called to order by President Annette Wolf 7:12 pm
- Roll Call:
Board Members Present Annette Wolf – President
Gretchen Peterson – Vice President – by phone
Nancy Kubina – Treasurer
Ginny Palumbo – Secretary
Emily Lesniak – Director
Carin Tio – Director
Not Present Jesse James – Director
- Treasurer Report –
We have an invoice from attorney Kamoan & Cusmano for $141.00 to review the by-laws and covenants to give advice for the foreclosure on 1991 N. Cypress Lane for non payment of dues. With the liens and past dues on the property they are at $1,684.60 in liens. The homeowner has passed away and the letters have been sent to the son. He is now refusing the letters and they are being returned. - New Business
- Need a plat of survey for the lakefront. Annette Wolf asked for quotes from three different surveyors.
Badger – refused
ASR – not to exceed $700.00
Bardstown – $2-3,000. He said there is some weird agreement he would have to uncover.
Gretchen Peterson said she would give us a name for a third quote.
- Need to review what is in the safety deposit box to see if the survey is in there.
- Safety deposit box – Annette Wolf to contact Amy Volkmann to ask who are the signers on the box. Annette Wolf tried to access the box and close it, to be moved to Community Bank, and she was unable to. BMO Harris was to call Annette Wolf back, but as of the date of the meeting, she has not heard from them.
- Property damage to the keypad at the gate entrance – Nancy Kubina and Carin Tio reviewed all the pictures and determined the damage came from the boat of property owner 1740 19th Ct. In our declaration of covenants and restrictions article 5 section 5.5 we can charge back the owner for this damage, Cement will need to be repoured again, bollards, and new pole for the reader. This is the initial assessment. Will need to get a quote for the repair and a bill will be sent to the homeowner when repaired.
- John and Dian Stormoen suggest we purchase on Amazon for $115.00 a guard type rail that will protect the reader and the key pad.
- Short term rentals – Annette Wolfe asked for a motion to present and clarify the difference of rental guests and guests of a property owner, as there is some confusion. The verbiage that will be presented at the May annual meeting will be: to clarify the meaning of guests as it relates to short term rentals.
“Guests” to be understood as “a person who visits occasionally. A guest is not a person, or persons listed on a lease, and is not responsible for paying rent or upholding other obligations in a lease or rental agreement”.
Nancy Kubina made a motion to approve the definition of a guest to the property owners at the annual meeting and was second by Carin Tio.
- Gretchen Peterson does not want to tell owners what they can and cannot do on their property.
- Short term rentals were discussed again. Nancy Kubina discussed that short term rentals will not get access to the lakefront. That is private property for the homeowners and short term rentals should not have access. Keys for the beach were turned off. This issue has been discussed that keys for short term rentals would no longer have access to the lakefront.
- Secretary Report
- Lien Total is $4,088.46
- Liens paid off will be put in capital funds. One lien has been paid off in the amount of $479.72.
- Steve Holmes is still on the lock box AT BMO Harris. Annette Wolf will go to BMO to close the lock box week of August 29, 2024 and move to Community Bank.
- Old Business
- Signage for the front drive
- Knox box procurement – Annette Wolf working on.
- Stairway – what do we need to do to stop the rocks from falling down the slope onto the stairway.
- On the 1st Monday in October the beach will be closed and locked for the winter.
- New Pavilion guidelines for reservations.
- New $200 deposit to reserve the pavilion. Money will be returned after the area is checked to be sure all is cleaned up and everything is in place.
- Will not be able to reserve the pavilion during major holidays. The additional traffic inhibits property owners from enjoying the beach.
- If the porta potty has to be cleaned due to the large crowd, part of the deposit will be used to clean.
A motion was made by Gretchen Peterson and second by Carin Tio to approve the new pavilion reservations form.
- Well pump update from Quinnell – Nancy Kubina has the keys and Carin Tio will send Nancy Kubina his number to contact to set up a time to meet at the well pump.
- Obtain quote to fortify key card reader
- Obtain quote to secure new stairway
- Flower boxes for the upper level of the stairway. Gretchen Peterson made a motion to approve the flower boxes (2) and second by Nancy Kubina.
Ayes – Wolf, Peterson,Kubina, Tio, Palumbo, Lesniak
Motion to adjourn at 8:15pm made by Gretchen Peterson and seconded by Carin Tio.
Respectively submitted by Ginny Palumbo, Secretary Lakewood POA