Lakewood POA Annual Meeting Minutes 2014



May 3, 2014

The annual meeting was called to order at 10:15 am by Norm Hampson at Northern Bay in Arkdale, WI. There were 48 lots represented at time of quorum. Norm Hampson introduced the board of directors, and Barb Berken explained how the meeting was going to be run. Ruth Mendelson asked about a 30 day notice. It was explained that a 30 day notice is for a special meeting. Annual membership meeting information needs to be sent out to the homeowners no more that 20 days in advance. Proxy information was mailed 3 weeks prior to the meeting.

Michol Startup introduced the minutes from last year’s annual meeting. Time was given for the homeowners to read the minutes. Georjean Klein made a motion to approve the minutes and Mark Sloggy seconded the motion. Motion was approved by all homeowners.

Five members of the board were up for reelection; Norm Hampson, Michol Startup, Barb Berken, Kelly Bain, and Maureen Cramer. There were no nominations from the floor. Bert Mendelson asked why information on the open positions was not sent out to the homeowners sooner. It was explained that information in the February newsletter asked for interested homeowners to send in their information to be included in the April newsletter. No homeowners sent in information or indicated that they wanted to run for the board. The current board’s information was in the April newsletter to give homeowners information prior to the May meeting. Due to the fact that there were no nominations from the floor,

Norm Hampson, Michol Startup, Barb Berken, Kelly Bain, and Maureen Cramer were reelected.

Norm Hampson gave his chairman’s report. He highlighted the previous years accomplished tasks. Two trees and 12 bushes were planted at the lakefront. Timer for the water was put in the shed and the lights were fixed in the gazebo. Last fall there was clean up done to increase the green space area, kill the poison ivy, and remove some of the brush. There is a new volleyball net that has a lock on it. The docks were reconfigured and a new contractor was hired for installing the piers. There was also a new landscaper this past year. Beach clean up will change to every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday          mornings. They will also haul away the seaweed. We are in the process of getting a permit to dredge out the boat launch area. The permit will cost $300 and is good for 3 years. We need to have the sand tested to see what we can do with it once it is removed. There is a process we are trying to work through and will hopefully have a working launch in the next year depending on the sand test. We will also need to comply with the DNR for our lakefront. We are allowed to change only 33% of our 300 feet. The rest needs to stay natural. Our beach is exactly 33% of our lake front. We are grandfathered in to have 2 access points from the lake with our launch and wooden walkway. The fence is allowed at the top of the hill because it is old. Our retaining wall is also allowed because it meets requirements by less than 1 foot. Mark Sloggy asked about only 1 access point per lot or so many feet of lakefront. We are allowed only 1 access point per lot. We have 2 with the boat ramp and the wooden walkway, but the DNR has granted

us permission to keep them both. We are not allowed to change the wooden walkway only make repairs to it. Alan Field asked about the volleyball net being put up only on weekends to reduce the chance of it being stolen. The new net we put up this year has a top steel cable and a lock on it to prevent it from being stolen. Jan Fountain asked about if we have sprayed for poison ivy. We have sprayed, and if you see any poison ivy please call Norm Hampson. Carol Field asked about paying $5 for extra beach passes. We are only giving out 2 beach passes per homeowner this year. She also asked about the boat turn around area being widened and a no parking sign put up in front of the Lakewood sign. We will look at doing both of these to help vehicles with boats use the turn around more easily. Sandy Weigel asked if

the baby swing could be lowered. Norm Hampson will look into lowering the swing.

Val Exner presented the treasure’s report with expenses from last year and budgeted expenses for the coming year. Alan Field asked about the $2000 budgeted for lake front needs. We have planed up to $600 for dredging permit, new cables for the swim area, $50 volleyball net, $600 for new tables for picnic, $50 propane, and $40 grill tools. Ruth Mendelson asked about the need for a safety deposit box. Our old lawyer retired and we need a safe place to keep original documents for the association. Jan Fountain asked about why Lawnz-R-US was $648 when it was budgeted for only $500. The increase was due to extra mowings because of wet weather. Ruth Mendelson asked about the cost of meter mail compared to the cost of a stamp. Minute Man printing charges based on the weight of the newsletter. The cost of printing and using meter mail is cheaper than printing the newsletters ourselves and putting a stamp on them. Georjean Klein does mailings and knows that the cost of meter mail is less than a stamp. Perry Obrochta asked about officer salaries. Val Exner explained that the president and vice-president get $100 per month and the secretary and treasure each get $125 per month for association work. Carin Gasper-Tio asked about email to save on costs. Emails were collected from homeowners at the meeting. Ray Bernal asked why the budget for beach clean up doubled. Last year the lawn service did not haul away the seaweed, and this year they will. Mike Carroll asked about trail cameras to catch people stealing at the lakefront. The board has talked about using trail cameras, and will continue to look into the idea.

Vicky Fugazzotto asked about last year’s budget for the lakefront was $4005 and we only spent $918.96. What did not get done? The $4005 was only a prediction and we did not get the dredging permit last year. Mark Sloggy asked when the permit and dredging will happen. The plan is to get the dredging permit this fall and dredge next spring before the water rises. Ruth Mendelson asked about the proposed income of $20,248.80 and spending of $20,595. How can we spend more than what is coming in? The budget is a prediction with each some over stating. We hopefully won’t use all that is predicted. There was also $3,370.08 moved into savings that can be used if necessary. Sandy Weigel asked why there are two septic services. One service is the winterizing of the plumbing and the other is the port-a-potties. Val Exner submitted the budget as is.

Barb Berken presented an audit report. Barb Berken stated that she is not a CPA and she did her best to look at the books. She looked at the cash, bank accounts, bills, and minutes. Records have not been kept in the past. New policies need to be written and put into place to keep accurate records. The board has done the best it could and will look for ways to keep records and policies. The board will also look into a CPA to audit the books. Vicky Fugazzotto asked where the cost for the CPA was in the budget. The board is not sure of the cost and will have to look into this. Predicting it may cost between $300-$500. Barb Berken summited the audit report as is.

There were no communications to be brought to the homeowners.

There was no old business from last year’s meeting.

New business to be brought to the homeowners. Burt Mendelson asked about the vacated property at 1954 S. Cypress Dr. and what is being done about it. Val Exner stated that the property is in the foreclosure process and is being sold to another bank. We have put liens on the property and will look into what else we can do as a board. The next-door neighbor called Adams County last year and shared that the county seemed concerned, but has done nothing. Mark Sloggy asked if the property can be condemned by the county health department. Greg Duplaga asked about the picnic and the board is bringing back the July 4th picnic. He also asked if there can be garbage pick up at the lakefront again.

Norm Hampson shared that people would dump their home garbage and also garbage from their boats. It would have to be separated before it was taken to the dump and the bees were really bad with the garbage. It has seemed to work out well with homeowners carrying out their own garbage. Eric Koppa asked if the hours and a map to our dump could be placed in the information case at the lakefront. He also asked about how many homeowners have not paid dues and what was the procedure. Val Exner shared 3 homeowners owe for 2011, 9 homeowners for 2012, and 12 homeowners for 2013. Liens have been placed on all delinquent homeowners. Stan Merola asked if we could call before we put a lien on a property and if we could send a bill instead of just information in the newsletter. Kim Obrochta shared that they did not know how much dues were or where to send them when she first bought. We are looking at local relators to help let us know, but some have not shared because of privacy issues. Val Exner has looked up all 383 lots on land records to check for owners. Judy Sachs shared that she has tried in the past to work with relators. Mike Carroll shared that relators use our lakefront as a selling point. We should put information in the case for new homeowners. Mike Fountain suggested we call other associations to see how they get new homeowner information. Tom Weigel suggested that rules and regulations be put in the newsletters.

Alan Field shared that the pier is shaky. Norm Hampson will call the installers, but knows that there is a drop off at the end of our piers and not sure if it can be secured more. Georjean Klein and Alan Field asked about the sand we dredge. Norm Hampson shared that we have to have it tested to see where it can go. Our hope is that we can use it for the beach. Either way we need to dredge to be able to use the launch. Eric Koppa asked about a website. For now we are using Facebook, but are looking at website options. Rick Fornear thanked the board for a very informative and organized meeting. Paul Paulsrud reminded homeowners to not leave fires going unattended. Amy, the fire warden, has offered to come speak about fire safety. Jan Fountain shared that the DNR had removed deadwood in the past.

Homeowner raffle give-a-way for a $25 gift certificate to Northern Bay was won by Stan Merola. Congratulations Stan!

Barb Sloggy moved to adjourn at 11:40 am, and Mark Sloggy second. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Michol Startup

LPOA Secretary



The Lakewood Board will once again be hosting a Summer Picnic!! This year’s picnic will be SATURDAY JULY 5th at high NOON….so mark your calendars 🙂 There will be a few changes from past picnics. Some of those changes will be a more “traditional” Summer cookout menu and we are asking you to bring a dish to pass based on an assignment key. We ask that using the first letter of your LAST name, you bring the “assigned side” per the assignment key (SEE PICNIC FLYER for DETAILS)

In addition, we are allowing 4 attendees PER HOUSE…..if you would like to bring more than 4 people, we will be charging $5.00 PER PERSON for each ADDITIONAL attendee. DEADLINE for RSVP is Wednesday June 20. Those NOT RSVPing by deadline will be charged $5.00 per person in your group on the day of the picnic. Please be sure to RSVP prior to the deadline so we can order the proper amount of food. Thanks, in advance, for your cooperation.

Lastly, we are looking for volunteers to help make this an awesome time for everyone. Please let us know when you RSVP, if you’d be willing to help in any way. Some of the areas we would need help in would be: Adult/kids games, setup/clean up and people to work the food lines. Your help would be much appreciated 😀

As in past years, our association boat launch will be closed at 10:30 a.m. on the day of the picnic and remain closed for the rest of the day, to ensure the safety of those attending the picnic.

We hope to see everyone on July 5th!

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