News from the Secretary – September 2020

Raise your hand if you would like to end 2020 now! I will raise both.

My name is Ginny Palumbo, and I am your new Lakewood Secretary. To give you some background, we have been Lakewood homeowners since 1985. We love to boat, UTV and just sit around enjoying the fresh air. I have served on the board in my community in Illinois since 2005. I have held every title on the board and currently I am the President.

In an effort to get out Lakewood communication quickly, we would like to start emailing pertinent information to the homeowners. This will save on mailings and you will get the information quickly. Please send your email address to Please include your Lakewood Property address and your current mailing address, so we can cross reference and make sure all the information we have on file is correct. Don’t worry, for those that still want the information mailed, we still will be sending mailings to those that opt out of the email. Association dues will still be mailed every year, per our declaration.

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