As we are (hopefully) just a couple weeks out from Adams County snowmobile trails officially opening for the 2019 season, I just wanted to throw out a few reminders to my fellow “motorized” sports enthusiasts….just a friendly reminder that this is now the 4th year that Wisconsin requires a TRAIL PASS as well as the normal registration sticker. If you haven’t sent in for yours yet, don’t wait til the last minute……if you don’t have yours by the time you hit the trails then you put yourself at risk of being pulled over by our local recreation officer or DNR official and, of course, being ticketed. You can save yourself some money on that $30.00 trail pass by joining a local club…..for more info on this, there is a DNR link on this website. As I stated in last weeks blog, all ATV/UTV ROAD ROUTES remain open 365 days a year. We, in Lakewood, are very fortunate that our homes/cabins are all right on both a snowmobile and ATV/UTV road route. That being said, I want to remind everyone driving/riding on a snowmobile, ATV or UTV to be law-abiding on our Lakewood road routes (and all road routes/trails for that matter)….specifically within our Lakewood boundaries, the speed limit for snowmobiles is the posted speed limit for cars which is 25 mph…..ATV/UTV’s, however, has its own restricted speed limit of 10 mph throughout our ENTIRE Lakewood subdivision. Please be conscientious of that and all laws so we can protect these road routes for our members enjoyment.  When in doubt of rules/laws that you are unsure of, please reference a regulations book (if you don’t have the one that came with your registration I know Pritzl’s in Rome has them) and if you are in need of maps, those can be purchased at area bars or JB Sales. Happy Trails to all.

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